Revamping voter registration for Gen Z 

The younger an eligible person starts voting, the more likely it is they'll continue voting consistently for the rest of their life. That means we’ve got to get college students to the polls ASAP — they'll hopefully continue the habit on their own for years to come.

That’s exactly what we set out to do when we revamped, a nonprofit focused on educating and empowering student first-time voters.

The site revamp included... 

  • Interactive modules to point students towards registration needs
  • A leaderboard tracking which campuses registered the most students
  • Articles explaining everything you need to know about elections, from voting by mail to the purpose of primaries

I wrote 10+ original articles for the site about common voting questions and learned way more than I ever expected about US voter laws. (Hint: they're straight-up bullshit.)

Many of our insights came from Big Spaceship's Gen Z Reveal panel, a group of 50+ college students and young adults to guide how we chose to represent information, and what some of the most common issues were for first-time voters. (We talked a lot about “anxious empowerment” and how voting is exciting but scary.) 

I led the gathering of these insights and worked with our strategists to synthesize a clear purpose for our website. 

At the end of the project, not only did I have a much greater knowledge of the American voting system myself, but I even got to write the press release that landed on Forbes. 

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